Our Story

Hello, I'm Chef Trevor

I've always been a fan of making messes in the kitchen from a young age. I grew up eating sugary desserts and thinking there has to be a better option than super sugary unhealthy sweets full of none of the goodness you want.

Since I'm an adult now I knew something had to be done. I decided to capture the awe and wonder you remember from childhood without all the extra sugar and artificial flavors. So I set out to create a cookie that everyone can enjoy. With flavors as unique as you are I really want you to choose your own adventure and discover your own unique flavor journey.  

The average American eats 300 cookies a year or 35,000 cookies in a lifetime.  Life is too short to eat boring, plain, "vanilla" cookies. Instead you can go on a culinary experience with Nothing Vanilla and taste the  nostalgia, pop-culture, and global flavors first hand.

That's what Nothing Vanilla is all about - we hope you enjoy!